Takeaways From the JFK Files
Trust nothing the government tells us. Here we are almost 62 years later, and we still don’t know much more then we suspected years ago. Back then, the Warren Commission told us in their “findings” that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and he was not part of any conspiracy either foreign or domestic. They criticized the secret service for the number of recommendations they had for protecting the president in the future. Government entrenched bureaucrats called anyone who questioned their findings “conspiracy theorists.” But here is what we now know.
An agency called ICA- International Corporation Administration was disbanded after the failed Bay of Pigs disaster in May 1961. It had been set up using foreign aid to gather intel on the Cuba invasion, but the intel was bad, leaving assets in a swamp to die. Kennedy denied air support for the entire operation which led to tension between him and the Intelligence Community. It was made worse when Kennedy later declared that because of this failure, he would “splinter the CIA into 1000 pieces and scatter it to the winds.” Five months later he closed the ICA which was seen as an attempt to hinder future covert ops. Kennedy started USAID in its place! It was supposed to be the answer; to stream all the accountability to the State Department under the guise of humanitarian aid. Kennedy knew the CIA used agencies as cover for competing with one another for who could accumulate the most intel. This led to overlaps and turf wars within our own agencies.
The Lee Harvey Oswald theory as the “lone shooter” was crafted since he had met with Cuban officials in Mexico City before, so his action was labeled “retaliation for the Bay of Pigs invasion. But there were too many anomalies. We know that Kennedy and Vice President Johnson did not get along. There is strong reason to believe that LBJ was part of the assassination plot. First, he hated being “second fiddle” to a young JFK. Second, JFK’s motorcade was rerouted to drive by Dealey Plaza at the last minute by the mayor of Dallas who was a current CIA asset at the time. His brother had been a senior member of the CIA who had been forced to retire by JFK the year before. Third, multiple reports say it appeared that LBJ ducked down in his car prior to the first shot being fired. Fourth, shortly after the Warren Commission report, Gary Underhill, a World War II military intelligence agent who worked for the CIA on special classified assignments, travelled from D.C. to New Jersey. There he confided to friends that he attributed the Kennedy murder to a CIA clerk who was carrying on a lucrative gun running racket in narcotics and contraband and manipulating political intrigue to serve his own ends. Kennedy apparently got wind of it and was killed before he could blow the whistle. Six months later, Underhill was found dead, alone, allegedly shooting himself in the left side of his head although he was right-handed!
Today we still have lots of missing pages and redactions. But implicating the CIA is nothing new. Richard Nixon was dissatisfied with the CIA and was “going to shape it up along with the DOD and the whole of government.” Next thing you know there was the Watergate scandal and Nixon resigned. Chuck Schumer, during Trump’s first term in 2018 told a news outlet that “The Intelligence agencies have 6 ways from Sunday to get back at you, so Donald Trump is being “really dumb” to go after them.” We can see that the moment a president tries to attack or change the “intelligence community,” it will rise up to stop him. Conflict is profitable, peace is not.
We must pray that President Trump is surrounded by the best and brightest patriots who have his back and share the goal of dismantling the deep state. It will be a daunting battle, but if this administration can make some progress reigning in the intel community, we may perhaps have a chance to return our government & our country to the one the founders fought so hard for, the one of, by and for the people!
Patricia Moore
MARCH 2025
Men's Breakfast Club
Tuesday, March 11, 8:30 AM
Eagle's Nest dining room
Seating is limited to a maximum of 20
RSVP to Chuck Streeter
PCRC Women's Luncheon
Wednesday, March 12, 11:30 AM
Eagle's Nest dining room alcove
Seating is limited to a maximum of 20
RSVP to Vicki Streeter
APRIL 2025
Annual Spring Bar-b-que
Thursday, April 3, Chianti Room
Tuscany Falls Clubhouse
Social Time 11:30 AM; Luncheon 12:00 PM
Speaker(s): TBD
Men's Breakfast Club
Tuesday, April 8, 8:30 AM
Eagle's Nest dining room
Seating is limited to a maximum of 20
RSVP to Chuck Streeter
PCRC Women's Luncheon
Wednesday, April 9, 11:30 AM
Eagle's Nest dining room alcove
Seating is limited to a maximum of 20
RSVP to Vicki Streeter
MAY 2025
Membership Meeting
Thursday, May 1, Tuscany Falls Ballroom
Social Time 6:30 PM; Meeting Begins 7:00 PM
Speaker(s): TBD
Men's Breakfast Club
Tuesday, May 13, 8:30 AM
Eagle's Nest dining room
Seating is limited to a maximum of 20
RSVP to Chuck Streeter
PCRC Women's Luncheon
Wednesday, May 14, 11:30 AM
Eagle's Nest dining room alcove
Seating is limited to a maximum of 20
RSVP to Vicki Streeter
JUNE 2025
No Scheduled Membership Meeting in June
Men's Breakfast Club
Tuesday, June 10, 8:30 AM
Eagle's Nest dining room
Seating is limited to a maximum of 20
RSVP to Chuck Streeter
PCRC Women's Luncheon
Wednesday, June 11, 11:30 AM
Eagle's Nest dining room alcove
Seating is limited to a maximum of 20
RSVP to Vicki Streeter
The "Men's Breakfast Club" meets at 8:30 AM on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Eagle's Nest Dining Room Alcove.
If you are interested in a lively, morning conversation about political events and your first cup of coffee, please attend this breakfast. This is a real opportunity for some "like-minded" discussion.
If you plan to attend, RSVP to Chuck Streeter - streeter@greencafe.com
If you are looking for an informative and lively conversation among "like-minded" women and the opportunity to "talk Republican," here is your chance!
The luncheons are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 11:30 AM in the Eagle's Nest Dining Room Alcove.
If you plan to attend, RSVP to Vicki Streeter at streeter@greencafe.com