Official Bylaws as of January 4, 2024
Article I – Name
The name of the organization shall be PebbleCreek Republican Club, hereafter referred to as PCRC.
Article II – Purpose
A. To provide a forum for Republicans to be actively involved in the Republican Party and in the political process.
B. To provide an opportunity for Republican fellowship and discussion.
C. To serve as an educational forum for Republican ideals and principles.
Article III – Membership
Section I - Membership
A. Membership is limited to PebbleCreek residents.
B. This organization does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.
C. Membership year begins January 1st and ends December 31st.
D. The Executive Board may extend honorary membership to an individual.
E. A member who is current on dues shall be deemed a member in good standing. Membership lists shall be used for internal purposes only.
Section 2 – Membership Dues
A. Membership dues shall be determined by the Executive Board.
B. Dues are payable January 1 and are delinquent at the adjournment of the PCRC March Membership Meeting. Non-payment by March 31 will result in a suspension notice. New members joining after March 31st are ineligible to run for office for the remaining year.
C. Members joining September 1 through December 31 will be considered paid in full and in good standing through December 31 of the subsequent year.
Article IV – Executive Board and Officers
Section 1 – Executive Board
A. The Executive Board shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and appointed Standing Committee Chairs.
B. A majority of the Executive Board including at least two (2) elected officers shall constitute a quorum at the Executive Board Meetings.
C. Each officer and one chair of each Standing Committee shall have one vote on matters before the Board.
D. The President may have other non-voting members at the Executive Board Meetings but without vote.
E. The term for the Executive Board shall begin January 1st and end December 31st. All elected officers shall hold office for a term of two (2) years and may be elected for not more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same capacity. Time served while filling a vacancy shall not count as a term of office. An Executive Board member may be a candidate for any executive position at any election cycle and is not required to resign from his/her current position while a candidate.
F. The Executive Board shall conduct the business of the PCRC subject to the Bylaws.
G. The President may call for an electronic Board meeting.
H. The Board shall ensure and maintain a system of recordkeeping to retain historical financial and other records for a minimum period of three years.
Section 2 – Succession
A. If the President is unable to fulfill assigned duties, the Vice President shall assume those responsibilities. If the President resigns from the position, the Vice President shall become and be known as the President.
B. In the event any elected officer, other than the President, is unable to complete the term the President shall appoint and the Executive Board shall confirm a member to finish the term.
Section 3 – Duties of the Officers
A. President
The President shall:
1. preside at all meetings.
2. appoint all Committee Chairs with the exception of the Nominating Committee Chair.
3. appoint a Sergeant at Arms and a Parliamentarian.
4. be an ex-officio member on all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee.
5. appoint two members to review the financial records at the conclusion of the year or any other time so determined.
6. or designee shall, secure facilities for the PCRC events. At the time of election, the newly-elected President may change the scheduled dates.
7. co-sign any check of $500 or more.
8. act as a liaison between the PCRC and national, state, county committees and local Republican clubs.
9. file an Annual Submission to the PCHOA Rules Committee between January 1 and March 31.
B. Vice President
The Vice President shall:
1. in the absence or inability of the President to act, assume and perform the powers and duties herein prescribed for the President. Should the absence be permanent the Vice President will become and be known as President.
2. perform all other duties as required by the President.
C. Secretary
The Secretary shall:
1. be responsible for maintaining the full and complete official minutes of all Executive Board and Membership Meetings for the period of the term and provide such records to the succeeding Secretary.
2. attend to all correspondence of the PCRC as prescribed by the President, as well as other duties assigned by the President or Executive Board.
D. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
1. maintain the financial records of PCRC.
2. issue checks and payments for PCRC activities and, if necessary, ensure the President signs contracts and all checks $500 or more which require signatures of the President and Treasurer.
3. prepare a yearly budget for Executive Board approval and report status at Executive Board meetings.
4. provide a financial report at Executive Board meetings and annually at a members-only meeting in the subsequent year following year end.
5. provide for a review of financial records with results to be presented to the Executive Board no later than April 30 of each year.
E. Parliamentarian
The Parliamentarian shall:
A. assist the President and the Executive Board with regard to Parliamentary procedures.
B. be familiar with the Bylaws. Where not covered by the Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, revised, shall be used in determining procedures.
C. vote only on issues where a written ballot is used.
D. assist the Executive Board in making certain the interests of the majority of members are considered when deciding issues.
Section 4 - Removal of an Officer
A. A member in good standing may propose the removal of an officer. If ten percent (10%) or more members concur in the proposal a 30-day notice must be provided to the membership prior to the special meeting of the members. The Parliamentarian shall preside over this meeting. At the meeting, the reasons for removal will be presented in writing and the officer in question will be given an opportunity to be heard. At the conclusion of the hearing portion of the meeting, the proposal will be put to a vote. Removal of an officer requires the vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of those present at the meeting in which a quorum is present. A quorum for this purpose is 20 percent of the current membership. Electronic vote is not allowed. The majority vote shall determine the outcome.
B. In the event an officer is removed from office the Secretary, or in the event the Secretary is removed, the Treasurer, will notify the former officer immediately and in writing with proof of delivery the next business day following vote.
C. The PCRC items in the former officer’s possession shall be returned to the PCRC within forty-eight (48) hours of the vote for removal.
Section 5 – Nominating Committee and Election Procedures
The Nominating Committee, including the Nominating Committee Chair, shall be appointed by the Executive Board.
The Nominating committee shall:
A. consist of the Chair and three members from the membership.
B. be announced at the September Membership Meeting. Recommendations for nominees from the membership are to be submitted to the Committee Chair. Members may submit their own name as a nominee. Members of the Nominating Committee may be candidates. All candidates must agree to run for office prior to their names being submitted. The election of the President and Treasurer shall be conducted in even numbered years and the election of the Vice President and Secretary shall be conducted in odd numbered years.
C. develop a slate of nominees.
D. present the slate of nominees at the October Membership Meeting. Following the announcement of candidates, the Nominating Committee Chair shall ask for further nominations from the floor. These shall be added to the final slate of nominees and ballot and shall be shown as being nominated from the floor.
E. collect and publish no less than 30 days prior to vote resumes for each candidate on the ballot.
F. develop the electronic ballot. The vote of the membership by electronic ballot shall take place before November 30. Voting shall be declared closed five business days after distribution of ballot. Votes shall be verified by the Nominating Committee.
G. Candidates for each position shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast.
H. Newly elected officers shall be announced by the President at the conclusion of the election. The newly elected President shall have the right to appoint Committee Chairs immediately following the election. Such appointed Chairs shall assume duties January 1st.
I. If only one candidate is nominated for each open position, and no members wish to declare additional candidates before the close of the nominating period, the Nominating Chair, upon approval of the President, may declare that the nominee(s) are elected by unanimous consent thereby dispensing with the process of formal ballot vote.
Article V – Meetings
A. Executive Board Meetings shall be held as determined by the President but must be held at least quarterly.
B. Membership Meetings may be held at the discretion of the Executive Board January through December. Generally, Membership Meetings are not scheduled June through August. During all meetings any member making statements which disrupt, disturb, or impede the orderly conduct of a meeting, or who lacks civility by making slanderous remarks or actions during the meeting will be removed from said meeting by the Sergeant at Arms or the President's designee.
C. Newly elected officers shall be installed at the December Annual Membership Meeting. They will begin their terms of office on January 1st.
D. At least one members-only meeting shall be held annually to conduct business of the Club.
Article VI – Standing Committees
A. The President shall appoint Standing Committee Chairs and may appoint ad hoc committees.
B. Standing Committees are as follows: Membership, Social, Technology, and Communications.
C. The Standing Committee Chairs may appoint members to assist in the operations of the Committee.
D. Duties of the Standing Committees are available separately from the Bylaws. The Duties should be reviewed periodically and updated as needed.
Article VII – Parliamentary Authority
A. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all matters or procedures not specifically covered by these Bylaws or any special rules of order the PCRC may adopt.
Article VIII - Amending the Bylaws
A. The Bylaws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds (⅔) of the members present at any Membership Meeting, provided the proposed amendment(s) has been announced during a Membership Meeting and has been posted for at least thirty (30) days prior to voting.
Article IX – Endorsement of Candidates
A. The PCRC shall not endorse any candidate(s) in a contested primary election for a national, state or local office.
B. The PCRC may support the Republican Party and promote its principles and candidates in all non-contested and general elections.
Approval of amended Bylaws passed by theGeneral Membership on January 4, 2024.
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Patricia Moore, President Date
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Karen Stadjuhar, Secretary Date